Flash Player Upgrade Concerns

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asked by (120 points)
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Our company is upgrading the global Flash Player from v to v Our global browser is IE 7.0.6001.18000CO.

Here are our questions:

  • Does Flash Player have issues playing in IE 7.0.6001.18000CO?
  • Does Flash content built for Player have issues with Player
  • All of our content was built in Flash CS4, using AS 2.0. Will this content have any issues playing in the Player ?
  • Can we move forward developing content in CS3 using AS 3.0, or will there be issues?

Thanks very much. Scott

1 Answer

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answered by (100k points)
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Flash Player simply plays the animated content. It has nothing to do with version incompatibility regarding how you build the content. It is best and recommended to upgrade to latest version of Flash Player because of the enhancements and security updates. To answer all your questions: if your content has no error then the Flash Player will play it accordingly.

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