How to open a Linux Root file in Windows?

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I visited to get some calculations and I entered the following values: -mass number: 4 -charge: 2 -target mass number: 64, -charge: 29 -impact parameter: Bmin:0. -Bmax: 10. -plab in GeV: 4.5

  • number of generated events: 100

Then I press: "Get result" and after a while I obtained in a new window the result list.

In the front of the list there is a Root file (Root is a program in Linux for graphics, data, in nuclear physics). I copied this file with the name: viewer. I want to open it with a Windows program, if possible. Can you help me?

Thank you!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (100k points)

The Root application is also available for Windows environments and can be obtained from its official website. You have multiple downloading possibilities based on the version of Microsoft Visual Studio you have installed (8,9,10).

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