I have forgotten the password of Madina Plus Card.

+1 vote
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I have forgotten the password of Madina Plus Card. I was using it on Cherry Plus but I lost the password. I also have the username.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered by (100k points)
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When you start to use these types of services, you receive a username and a password from the company which developed the software. They recommend to use the usernames and password only with their software applications because other may contain malware modules which can steal your password. Please contact the company which issued the username and password and explain the situation because they will change the password for your username.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (180 points)

I think you can visit http://www.recoverlostpassword.com for more detail information.

0 votes
answered by (140 points)

i forget madinaplus autcode plssss hellp im used madina plus serail number 74181 ihave my user id nd paswrad but im lost caller id number plsss send me

my id safiullahafridi@gmail.com

0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

Respectfully 2 days ago i was bought an madeena plus card during scratching i had deleted password digits card user name is 70025688 serial no mdzy 35685 Please assist me and send me the password of this card to use I will be very thankful to you for this kindness

0 votes
answered by

Hi good morning I want to now who can you give me new password and username I'd if that possible please send me you company number I want to talk I buying 4 card but this is not working please talk me in email and send number usman_7866@outlook.com

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