How do I uninstall "Strongvault Online Backup"?

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commented by (100 points)
who has it locked me i shure hope not i`ll go crazy
commented by (100 points)
there was a gentleman dow the page with this site on it it will go through and find a bunch of thing that are or have add ware on it if you scroll down the page you will find strongvault all you have to do is high lite it click on it and it will remome it i coped andwill paste it here so if u want to get rid of it here it is.

this will take it out of your life forever ok
commented by (100 points)
THIS WORKS! Thank you manuel Orosco. This Strongvault Online Backup was driving me nuts eating up CPU space and causing my computer problems. Thanks for the tip.
commented by (100 points)
I can't delete this prog. I alredy tried the control panel and I can't even find it..Does anyone have any tips..I read what was up here but, I don't understant what little man?
commented by (100 points)
I have tried everything to delete this.Microsoft fix it,many malware programs.By accident I wanted to close unused programs ,so I hit ctry-alt-del,I saw strongvault in there.I right clicked and hit open cantaining folder.Deleted all the files and boom GONE.Hope it helps you.

41 Answers

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answered (100 points)

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commented by (100 points)
I did the cont/alt/del and then clicked on the 'Task Manager'. Guess what appeared? The dreaded My PC Backup was running! I 'end tasked' it and so far no more pop-up. I've got my fingers crossed.
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