How can I root my Alcatel 918 Glory phone?

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How can I root my Alcatel 918 Glory phone?

3 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (10.9k points)

first of all, what is the reason for you to root your phone? if you want to change the look of your phone, you can try 'Go launcher Ex'.

but, if you have decided to root your phone than try 'Cyanogenmod'. It will help you to fulfill your purpose.

But remember that Rooting will cancel every legal warranty of your phone and some countries rooting is ILLEGAL.

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answered by (100k points)
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Rooting your phone can bring not only many advantages but also disadvantages, regarding to your warranty.

For the operation, you will need Alcatel Android Manager PC Suite in order the drivers will be installed and your phone will be recognized by the computer.

Next, you will need SuperOneClick which is an application that will practically enable superUser on your Android phone. Simply download it, extract it to a place you know and connect your phone. Make sure you choose Enable USB Debugging Mode. Then start the application, click Root and wait for the process to finish. Your phone will restart and you will have a new application installed in your phone called SuperUser which will basically confirm that the phone is rooted.

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