How to install VOIP Discount in Ubuntu?

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How to install VOIP Discount in Ubuntu?

2 Answers

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answered by (100k points)
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The application is available for Windows operating systems and mobiles. If you want to install it in the Ubuntu environment then you should use an emulator which takes the necessary Windows libraries and allows you to run applications like you were in the real Windows environment. Download the package file in Ubuntu and remember the location then open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install wine. You will be asked for your password so the operation could get root access.

After the process finishes, use the applications menu and locate Wine. From its main configuration, take a tutorial how to properly install Windows applications in the Ubuntu environment.

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answered by

VoipDiscount can not be installed in Ubuntu v. 12 LTS under Wine neither as instructed on this website nor otherwise. Always crashes when logging on. (When I try to install using the console as well.) Companies that are interested in their customers, do offer them packages for linux (for example Wuala repository in Switzerland and many others worldwide.). It seems to me that VoipDiscount is not interested in attracting new customers. If the situation does not improve soon, I will be forced to find a new provider of Internet telephony.

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