How to fix Android Error 495?

+2 votes
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I am not able to download anything because of this error.

34 Answers

0 votes
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I had the same problem. Then i emailed the whatsapp supports. And they told me to download the latest version from the web. And.. my whatsapp happily comeback to life! :)

0 votes
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What I did was go to the play store go to my apps and delete the apps that were not installed it worked fine for me on npmty Asus nexus 1st gen

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To fix error 495, you can try this:

Go to Settings>> Application Manager or Apps>> Open “All” apps From the list of apps find Google Play store >>Clear Data and Clear Cache From the list of apps find Google Service Framework >> Clear Data and Clear Cache Now install or update app from Google Play Store If it still didn’t work try uninstalling Google Play Store updates first

If above method did not work, try this:

Go to system settings>> Accounts>>Google>>remove your Gmail account Now from settings>>Apps>>All> Force stop, Clear data and cache for Google Play Store, Google Service Framework and Download Manager (like in method 1) Now again go to settings>> Accounts>>Google>>Add your gmail account Restart your android and then accept all the Google terms and setup Google settings Rerun Google Play Store and update or install your app.

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Applied All Kind OF Trickes Mentions in this and other some forums & posts. but i cant fix this error :(

commented by (100 points)
Problema (codigo de erro 495) download de aplicativos de Play Store


Apagar o seu Google Play Store dados em (Definições - Aplicativos - Todos - Google Play Store - Limpar dados) Apagar dados do Google Services Framework também (nota: isso vai atribuir um novo ID google para o seu dispositivo, como se você tivesse que redefinir o seting de fabrica, ou seja, seus aplicativos do Google pode atuar temporariamente até mais tarde)

Apagar o seu acount Google no dispositivo, reiniciar a máquina e voltar a adicionar a sua nova conta Google em (Configurações - Contas - Adicionar Conta - Conta Google)

Problema downloading apps from Play Store


Delete your Google Play Store data in (Settings - Apps - All - Google Play Store - Clear data)
Delete data from Google Services Framework also (note: this will assign a new google ID to your device,
as if you had factory reset it, meaning your Google apps may temporarily act up afterwards)

Delete your Google acount on the device, reboot your machine and re-add your new Google acount in
(Setings - Acounts - Add Acount - Google acount)

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