I'm using Sound Organizer but I can't get any transcription text from my recordings.

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asked by (120 points)
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I purchased Sound Organizer along with Sony IC recorder. And when I tried the transcription function, all I got was a notepad file with only start-recording and recording duration. I was expecting that this transcription function would automatically produce the text of my recordings when I activated it.

Can anyone help me? Thanks!

4 Answers

0 votes
answered by (100k points)

I have tested the application and I must say that I encounter the same problem but it seems that the Transcription function works for the compatible files only because I loaded an MP3 file and all I got was a text file with some data. Make sure that when you record using the IC recorder, the device is configured properly so the software recognizes the format of the file.

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answered by

What exactly does 'configured properly' mean? I bought this product so that I could record meetings and download it, then have it automatically transcribed into a document so I could read it. But it doesn't work that way and I have no idea how to make it work. It only allows me to type it up myself, using a start/stop system of buttons to listen, type, go back, listen again to make sure I got it right... HELP!

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You can use the voice recognition software Dragon NaturallySpeaking (not supplied) which is compatible with Sound Organizer to perform voice recognition for a file and convert the voice to text.

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How do I connect to Sound Organizer 2 to Dragon NaturallySpeaking ?

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With that file, you listen to what you dictated and type it up. In other words transcription as a secretary would.

What your thinking about is something like https://converter.app/mp3-to-text/ I have nothing to do with this free "transcriber" and if you search for "convert mp3 to text" you will find a few free offers. Hope this helps.

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