I've been told MoneyCounts will work on Windows 10 32bit. Is this true?
No, the software is not compatible with Windows 10. It doesn't even run in Windows 7 OS which is much older than Windows 10. A way to run the application in Windows 10 is through virtualization. You have to install a supported OS through VirtualBox or VMWare, but this also implies that you already have an installation disc in physical format or digital (ISO).
Download VirtualBox from the following link: https://www.virtualbox.org/
Here is a tutorial on how to set up VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch01.html#gui-createvm
Moneycounts will run in Windows 10. I have been using it for over a year now. The KEY is you have to have the 32 bit version. Moneycounts WILL NOT run on a 64 bit OS.