Converting RAW file to UXD file.

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asked by about PowDLL Converter
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I want to convert Bruker RAW file to UXD file. But when the convert process is done when I click on "The load values from destination file" start and stop values are same "start:5 stop:5" even my load values from source file "start:5 stop:120". How can I change start and stop values?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

According to the readme files, the software is capable of opening and exporting the following files:

  • Imports: Bruker/Siemens RAW Files (all versions plus V4 - XRD Wizard format from Bruker-AXS), STOE RAW Files (plus multipattern files), Scintag RAW Files (plus multi-range files), Rigaku RAW Files, Shimadzu RAW Files, Philips RD Files, Philips SD Files,Scintag RD Files, Panalytical XRDML Files, INEL Binary, INEL ASCII, Scintag ARD Files, powderCIF Files, Sietronics CPI Files, Riet7 DAT Files, DBWS Files, GSAS Files (CW STD), GSAS Files (EDS), Jade MDI Files, Rigaku RIG Files, Philips UDF Files, UXD Files, XDA Files, XDD Files, ASCII XY Files, EDX, CCDC Mercury XYE Files, PowderX PLV files (old and new format), UDF (NEX) Files
  • Exports: Bruker/Siemens RAW Files (versions 1,2), Philips RD Files, Scintag ARD Files, Sietronics CPI Files, Riet7 DAT Files, DBWS Files, GSAS Files (CW STD), GSAS Files (EDS), Jade MDI Files, Rigaku RIG Files, Philips UDF Files, UXD Files, XDA Files, XDD Files, Pananlytical XRDML Files, ASCII XY Files, MS-Excel Multiple X-Y, EDX, PowderX PLV files

However, the application also has additional options that can be configured. Go through all the menus until you identify from where the values can be changed.

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