Test Generator Exam View and migration.

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I have Examview Test Generator version 5.2 complete with tests on file. I now have a new computer and would like to have the Test Generator complete with the existing tests downloaded on it. Is there a way to do this? If not how do I just download the Test Generator and start over?

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

In most of the cases you don't have to enter all the data again. You can simply export the data you have using File > Save or File > Export and save the content on a file on your desktop. Later you can transfer that file to the other PC using a flash drive, a cloud storage service or using network.

The same thing you can do for the software as well, but I recommend using a flash drive to transfer the application from Program Files to the new PC.

I've recommended this way because I couldn't download the Test Generator from anywhere.

Also, when you migrate the application, go to Start > Run > regedit and expand HKEY_Local_Machine > Software > ExamView to a .reg file. Copy the same file on the new PC and merge it into registry. Copy the installation folder to the same place and it should work.

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