Webdav server issue.

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I installed Webdavserver app on a phone with Android 7, setting an external SD card as home directory. After mounting the server as a windows drive on a Windows 10 PC, I tried copying some files on my phone. File transfer starts normally, but at the end a pop-up with error completes the operation. It seems that the external SD card is write-protected, but I can create folders without any issue. Could you help me?

Regards, Elio.

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

It might be a similar case when Android 4.4.x was released: the user didn't had the right to create folders on SD card. This trick might work on 7 as well, but move the Webdavserver on the SD card, and then create a folder inside its working directory. It should be something like Android / data / com.nameofapp.developer / folder name. Assign that folder and try copying something again. It worked in Android 4.4.4 and it should work on Android 7 as well.

Additionally, this could be a bug in Android 7 and unless an update comes out for Android or Webdavserver, then internal storage needs to be used instead.

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