Can't play STY files on WMP.

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asked by about PSR Style Database
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My PC is running Windows 10. I have STY files but cannot play them on WMP. Please help me. Thank you so much!

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

I don't think that WMP support the STY format that you're trying to open. I've checked the official websites and it appears that WMP supports only the formats listed on the support page that is linked below.

Support page:

To be able to open the STY format, PSR Style Database needs to be installed. This software supports the following formats:

  • style files (.sty, .bcs, .pcs, .prs, .pst, .sst) used for accompaniment on YAMAHA keyboards, and

  • midi files (.mid, .kar) so it is also useful if you do not own such a keyboard.

  • Official website:

0 votes
answered by

my keyboar Clavinova of Yamaha can't play some styles with extensión PRS and I think that perhaps if I could convert same to Sty extensión it could work.

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