Booking problems: double debited post.

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Crystal Art Software ApS

Hello team of Crystal Art Software!

I have a problem with your debit this year. I have, for the first time signed up in December 2015 at. Since January my contribution is charged twice and I can not access or the booked access nor log me on my account. To solve the problem, I tried writing to contact my email, what did not work, because I can not log in and my email address is unknown. I assume no fraudulent intent. I suspect there is an error in the registry. Since I didn't receive help, I have reported a case to your credit in your PayPal on 09.19.2016 and also make payments book back to hear the hope out of you in order to clarify the situation. Let me give below, the data known to me, about me:

Username: sophiawadi Password: all4me&You2 E-mail address: and

Booking 1 with the account number B-9B808450HY4978311 exists since December 2, 2016. Booking 2 with the account number B-6CF9576099092130L exists since January 16, 2016. Since I moved to another apartment and I could not login via my access thereafter, I "Newleecher" reloaded down and after a trial, the login has thereafter worked initially. Should I thus have booked a further data packet, I was not aware. Only with reference to the accounting records of my bank, I have taken note of this problem. Today's status is as follows, it is about my access with no contact. I can not use the download section for NewsLeecher or log me of the members area. To prevent further overpayment, I have already sent for back postings and reported the incident to Paypal. Please help clarify the circumstance! If you need the transaction code of the bookings, I will gladly put together a collection. You can reach me via both above e-mail addresses.

Should I within the next 14 days, will not get any feedback from you, I reserve the right to stop payments to you. I hope for quick feedback on your part and would appreciate your assistance in clarifying very.

Best regards! Sandra Nigbur

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

I've tried the login above and indeed, it's not working, but the developers have mentioned a thing on the Members page:

Members area Notice

As you can see, you can reset your password for your account using your email.This goes for activation as well. Download the latest beta and then try again, but only after you've reset the password for your account and continue to reach them through email, because they are the only ones able to fix this problem.

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