Limited free edition but still paying.

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asked by about NewsLeecher
edited by

I am using Newsleecher and I see that I'm working with a limited free edition. However I'm still paying monthly €3,63 by VISA. The "Activate Newsleecher" does not work and I can't login on the Newsleecher website or the Crystal Art website. My e-mail address is I want to know whats going on and if I'm paying for nothing and if so for how long.

Greetings, Ruud Burink.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

This is a matter that has to be discussed with the developers and sellers. I don't have any authority to access your payment and any other payment related resources, but based on my experience I know that when you have a problem with activation and anything that's related to this procedure, the developers will gladly help you, therefore I advise using the link posted below in order to contact them. Make sure you provide as many details about your purchase as you can.

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