Guj-Key not working on Windows 7 64 bit.

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asked by about GUJ-Key
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The program gets installed but keyboard layout is not working in the application.

4 Answers

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No avatar answered by (236k points)
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The developer of this application is nowhere to be found. I've used all the available resources to locate it, but it was all without results. Compatibility might be a cause to the issues you're having because if the developers are out of business, then support can't be assured thus making the program incompatible with Windows 7.

On Windows 7 you could try compatibility mode. Right click the setup package and go to Properties > Compatibility. Select a previous version of Windows from the list and then choose Windows XP as operating system.

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i want to use gujkey in windows 10 but gujkey module is not working

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The program gets installed but keyboard layout is not working in the application. WINDOW 64 BIT VERSION

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Scroll lock is not working to activate or deactivate gujkey 2.0 modual in window 7 32 bit.

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