What is error 497 I receive when trying to update my applications?

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When my Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 downloads updates, it shows error 497.

5 Answers

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answered by (100k points)
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Error 497 is related to a downloading category and you usually encounter it while you try to update the applications using a WiFi connection. In this case, adding Google DNS addresses ( / to your router's configuration settings could solve the problem. Also you can restart your phone into Recovery Mode and perform the following operations:

  1. Wipe Cache (from the first menu).
  2. Navigate to Advanced and select Wipe Dalvik Cache then restart your computer.

Another try is to go into phone's menu > Settings> Applications > Running Services, stop Google Framework and then start the Play Store application. After all these operations, try and update the applications again.

0 votes
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Please what is this error message "498" on my Android 2.3.5 phone when downloading or updating an Apps???


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i tried all the stuff but i couldn't get the result. can u help me out..? i cleared the cache of play store but couldn't get than i tried to download GO LAUNCHER EX but i couldn't.. please help me...

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What is 497error during downloding n updating aaplication? ? How to solve this problem

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What is 497error during downloding and updating aaplication How to solve this problem??? please help me...

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