Problem with Windows 10.

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asked by about AGU Third Edition
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We have AGU Third Edition (English grammar today, English vocabulary, Essential grammar in use and Advanced grammar). It's impossible to use with Windows 10. Do you have a solution to this problem? Can you help me to install the purchased programs?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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Since there is no compatibility info or support for Windows 10, I recommend checking the official website. There is an update to increase its compatibility in Windows 7, but I believe you can use that to run it in Windows 10 as well.

Right-click the setup package and go to Properties > Compatibility. Set it to Windows 7 and start the installation. Finish it and close the remaining windows, but don't start it yet. Visit the page below, download the update and apply it, then right-click the executable and set the compatibility to Windows 7 as you previously did. It should work this way.


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answered by

Too late answer but just for completion:

1.Copy whole files into a folder in drive C:\ ( for example into the Desktop) 2. Right-click on the ‘AGUThirdEdition.exe’ and select ‘Properties’. 3. Go to the ‘Compatibility’ tab, and tick the check-box underneath ‘Compatibility Mode’. 4. Select ‘Windows 7’ from the drop-down box underneath the check-box. 5. Select ‘OK’ to save these settings, and then launch the software.

if there is any problem with Adobe AIR, Download the last version and replace it with ‘AdobeAIRInstaller.exe’ in the installation source folder ‘Air’.

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