How do I get rid of WinZIP pop ups?

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asked by about WinZip
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33 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

commented by (100 points)
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I have a licensed version!  How do I turn off these ANNOYING popup ads!
asked Apr 16, 2018 by Tonie Sullivan
edited Apr 16, 2018 by
How to remove the WinZIP's ad?
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commented by (100 points)
It's not in my task manager list of tasks.
commented by (100 points)
You do not have 'WinZip Update Notifier' listed on the Startup tab of Task Manager?
What version of Winzip do you have installed? - and what version of Windows?

Try this...
go to Control panel -> Administrative Tools -> Task Scheduler.
Scroll down to Active Tasks.
Look for WinZip Update Notifier. Disable it.
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commented by (100 points)
I'm going to join you on this one. I'm so tired of this. It's like buying a pc with McAfee Anti Virus on it.

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