How do I get rid of WinZIP pop ups?

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How do I get rid of WinZIP pop ups?

33 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

Those pop ups are part of the program and can't be removed unless you buy the full version of the software. I know they're annoying, but this is a limitation of the free version that you use. Many developers choose this method of implementing notifications and limitations.

You can either uninstall the software and use an alternative, or buy a license and remove all those advertisements.

commented by (100 points)
reshown by
I have a licensed version!  How do I turn off these ANNOYING popup ads!
asked Apr 16, 2018 by Tonie Sullivan
edited Apr 16, 2018 by
How to remove the WinZIP's ad?
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I have a paid copy of WinZip Pro 22.0 and I still get pop-up ads. Not sure why, but it is extremely frustrating when I have paid for the product.

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I have paid for winzip 21.5 and also get popup ads. Agree it is incredibly frustrating. Not sure if I will keep the program or uninstall it on principle.

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Straight from WinZip support! What an admission!

Mukesh Kumar (WinZip) December 26, 2017, 05:03 EST Hello,

Those messages are being displayed by the Update Notifier feature. To end those messages, you will need to remove the "WinZip UN" string value in this key of each machine's registry:


With that string gone, Update Notifier will not start up after the computer is restarted.

For future installs, the best way to prevent this sort of marketing message is to prevent the "Update Notifier" feature from being installed. You would need to either edit the INSTALLUPDATENOTIFIER property in the MSI file so that it has the value "0" or make the same change by way of a command line similar to this:

msiexec /i winzipxxx-64.msi /qn INSTALLUPDATENOTIFIER=0

The "***" above should be replaced by the WinZip version number to match your MSI file.

Thanks, Mukesh, WinZip Technical Support

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Disable the 'WinZip Update Notifier' in the Startup section of Task Manager. - %windir%\system32\taskmgr.exe

commented by (100 points)
It's not in my task manager list of tasks.
commented by (100 points)
You do not have 'WinZip Update Notifier' listed on the Startup tab of Task Manager?
What version of Winzip do you have installed? - and what version of Windows?

Try this...
go to Control panel -> Administrative Tools -> Task Scheduler.
Scroll down to Active Tasks.
Look for WinZip Update Notifier. Disable it.
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HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ clear of WinZip Task manager - WinZip is not listed. I was clear of ads for a long time, now - in the last week I receiving update / upgrade ads again.

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not computer lit gonna wait for family to come do it asap thanks

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Pretty ridiculous that WinZip doesn't give you a user-friendly option to opt out of these intrusive ads. I'm uninstalling and switching to WinRar, which is a lot lighter on system resources too.

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In addition to the steps given in other answers above, go to Control panel -> Administrative Tools -> Task Scheduler.

Scroll down to Active Tasks.

Look for WinZip Update Notifier. Disable it.

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I think I'll delete WinZip and find something else that doesn't interrupt my work with stupid pop-up ads that the program itself will not allow me to opt-out of. SHAME on WinZip for doing this to its paying customers!

commented by (100 points)
I'm going to join you on this one. I'm so tired of this. It's like buying a pc with McAfee Anti Virus on it.

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