Problem with Maginon Vision IP security camera.

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I recently purchased the Maginon Vision IP security camera. I have it all plugged to the Internet etc., but the laptop is not picking it up. What could be the problem?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

If you're trying to connect to camera from outside the network where it's connected to, then you have to login on the administration area of your router and enable UPNP or add a forwarding rule for the camera.

Basically, you need to open the camera to wide public. Typically, in Port Forward you should add the IP of the camera (local IP, ie. and the port used.

Internal IP: ***.***.***.*** Internal port: XXXX External port: XXXX

After this procedure, you will have the possibility to access the camera using the public IP and the selected port, something like: in a browser.

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