Problem installing Visual Weave on Windows 8

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asked by about VisualWEAVE
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I purchased Visual Weave in 2012 and used it on the Windows 7 environment. I had to get a new computer recently and it has Windows 8. I cannot get Visual Weave to be installed properly.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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According to the information found on a website that sells VisualWEAVE, it appears the software is not compatible with Windows 8. These are the compatible versions of Windows where you can install the software normally without errors or any other compatibility issues: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7. As you can see, there is no Windows 8 compatibility.

You will either have to downgrade to Windows 7 or wait until there is a version compatible with Windows 8.

Alternatively, ask the actual developer of the software about planned compatibility enhancement. Use this email to contact:

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