Bought the product but it's not working.

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asked by about TechUtilities
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I bought the product to resolve an error code problem, (0x80010108) unfortunately I still have the error code. What can I do? Can you please help me or refund my money? My order is MNQBLMYE Licence key is 1: HLZA-N4CK-3WSH-XXXX. Still frustrated, but very best regards.

2 Answers

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answered by

Refund granted.... Quick outcome but I had to go to live chat. Took a little finding but they were very helpful

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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I am glad that you got your refund, but the 0x80010108 error hasn't been resolved. However, there is a simple trick to overcome it. Go to Start > Run > msconfig > Startup. Open the Task Manager and then disable all the startup applications. Reboot the PC, then use Windows Update and apply all the updates. The procedure will start, and after it finishes, repeat the first steps to re-enable the applications and reboot again.

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