I have a licence for Radar Opus. Can I use it on 2 PCs in studio and at home (not in the same time, of course)? If yes, what do I have to do?
Yes, you can install it on 2 PCs only if the license allows it. From what it shows on the official website, the application requires individual license. This means you'll need a license for each of the computers where you want to install and use RadaOpus. There is a Customer Service page where you can get additional information regarding the license renewal and Tech Support. Since you're not interested in license renewal, use the available email and get in touch with the developers. They should provide all the necessary information regarding this inquiry.
Customer support page: http://www.archibel.com/103.html?&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=1327&cHash=3cc562c2fdc8738b71e63c1f1c6365fd