Is there Mac software for C-PEN 3?
Yes, there is software for the C-Pen 3 device. You can download it from the Support page where all the applications and guides are available to get.
Support page:
Windows compatibility: 32 & 64 bit Winows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
Windows software download: C-Pen Core for Windows
User guide: User Guide C-Pen Core for Windows
MAC OSX compatibility: 10.6-10.10
C-Pen Core download for MAC OSX 10.6-10.8: C-Pen Core for MAC OSX 10.6-10.8
C-Pen Core download for MAC OSX 10.9-10.10: C-Pen Core for MAC OSX 10.9-10.10
User guide: C-Pen 20 black / 3.5. user guide for MAC OSX