What is the best method to create a fresh Exchange 2007 mailbox database and migrate mail from old database into the new one?

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Microsoft Office Outlook
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A client recently had a failure with their mail database. The database was repaired using the ESEutil and isinteg utilities to get the database back into a clean state (using Exchange 2007 SP1).

However, after the above processes there have been a number of quirks that have appeared, for instance:

  • some users could not open up mail in another user's shared mailbox
  • some users had all mail from different mailbox folders deleted that were from a date prior to the database going down
  • one user could not see any new mail in cached mode in Outlook.

Generally a lot of niggly issues. My thought is that the database still has a number of small corruptions and I would like to create a new mailbox database and move the users mail across to this new database.

Office tech info: SBS 2008 Client using Outlook 2003 SP3 and Outlook 2010. Total mail database size = 15 GB.

What would be the best method of achieving a fresh database and moving old mail across? I have considered moving the mailbox database and log files to another location and then getting exchange to create a new database. I would then look to create a recovery storage group and put the old database files and logs in the appropriate folder and move mail from the old database to the new one. The other method I have looked at is to export all mail to PSTs and then reimport it into a fresh database. I have not used the recovery storage group before so your opinions and advice to achieve my goal would be much appreciated.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

As someone recommended, the best way is to use the indications provides on the following page: http://blogs.technet.com/b/messaging_and_beyond/archive/2012/05/10/exchange-recovery-storage-group.aspx

The simplest way is using the RSG. I wouldn't advice using 3rd party applications, since you can work with the default tools and features available from Microsoft and from Outlook application.

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