Recovery of my TWOO account.

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asked by about Twoo
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My Twoo account was deleted by my son.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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There are two possibilities to recover your account, but you need to choose only one of them:

  1. Use the Password Forgot feature. If the account was removed from phone, then this way you will generate a new password and log-in again while the account remains the same. 1.1 Password Forgot:
  2. If your account was deleted/deactivated, then you can try creating it again, although you might need to create one with other name and details. 2.2 Registration URL:
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My account is deactivated... So I want to reopen it please.. Tank u

asked May 13, 2019 by Ester I want to reactivate my deactivated account
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There was a problem loading the twoo app . please try again

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