Information about Galaxy S6.

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Can I uninstall ANT Radio service from S6?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

No, you can't uninstall the application because it's part of the system apps which means you will need superuser access to do it. The ANT Radio Service provides wireless communication with devices that are using this technology.

By default, the ANT+ works with the following devices:

-Samsung S Health -Garmin Fit™ -SportsTracker by STL -Endomondo -My Tracks -Run.GPS Trainer UV -IpBike, IpWatts, IpPeloton, IpSmartHr -Selfloops -SportyPal -MapMyFITNESS/RIDE/RUN/WALK+/HIKE/DOGWALK

However, if you're not using any of the devices above or the technology itself, long tap on its icon, then drag it to App Info. Tap again on Force Stop and Disable. You might need to repeat the process in case you want to use a device from the above list.

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No avatar answered by (660 points)

It's the built-in app in Galaxy S6. You can seek help from its official support community.

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