Sony HD-SG5 unlock issue.

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I just bought a 500 GB Sony hard drive and the Sony HD-SG5 model. At first I set the Password Unlock Manager, but then it didn't respond when I entered the password. So I formatted the drive, which contains the unlock app (a big mistake I guess)? Now the problem is only the unlock app is being displayed. The main hard drive is invisible or locked I don't know. The unlock app is just 100MB and the rest of the space is not even available.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

That was a mistake to format the driver which had the app and the files required to unlock the other partitions. I wouldn't advise going further with the investigations such as format, recovery, etc. Instead, access Sony Support and get in touch with a support technician. They should have custom tools and fixes for these issues to avoid losing data.

Use the Support pages to reach the technicians:

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