How can I delete or block contacts on IMO?

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How can I delete or block contacts on IMO?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (236k points)
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To block or delete a person, tap on its name, then access the arrow with the circle to open the preferences menu. After this procedure, simply tap on Block, Delete or Add to favorite. If you delete or block a contact, you will have to wait for some time (changes on servers may take hours).

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No avatar answered by (940 points)

Go to the imo website to sign in using one of the supported, integrated messaging services. currently only allows you to sign in using a username and password associated with one of several supported third-party services.

Hover over the buddy in your Buddies list along the right hand side of your screen. Click the “Block” button to block the user. Blocked buddies will be displayed the “Blocked” list under your “Buddies” list on the right hand side of your screen.

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