Files won't download.

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We use QS Pro 7x to broadcast a PowerPoint. Normally I can just save the PowerPoint as a .wmv file and then I go to Player Schedule > Load schedule. I noticed that after I click load schedule when it is successful, it says that our PowerPoint file needs to be downloaded. It now is saying "Files to be downloaded ". I did not set the program up. I was wondering if there is any troubleshooting that you can help me with?" "

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

You should check if the software is allowed to connect to the Internet. Go to Settings > Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > Allow a program through the Windows Firewall. At this point, when you want to use a PowerPoint file the QS Pro 7x will begin the download progress for the resources you need. Unfortunately, there is no other available way.

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