My Viber number is used by someone else.

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asked by about Viber Messenger
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I used a number to join Viber and this number got deactivated because I didn't use it for a long period of time (I moved abroad). When I came back to my hometown and people tried to contact me they told me a women answered. That means that they gave my phone number to someone else. My question is: Can this person join Viber with the same number I did and see the conversation I'm having and everything else? Is that possible? I heard you can join Viber on different devices with the same number and this freaks me out. I don't want to change my number because I have too many important conversations. Please help. I need your opinion.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

If your mobile number was deactivated and now it is used by someone else, than that person will be able to join Viber using that number. However, you don't need to worry because when you try registering to Viber with the same number on a second mobile device, the first device immediately deactivates, and its data (message history, recent calls etc.) is deleted. I recommend you contact Viber support team for further information.

asked Jul 21, 2024 by (100 points) How can i contact viber support team

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