CANfox is not shown in Sie MT_API

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asked by about Sontheim Industrie Elektronik CANfox Driver

I have Windows 7 Pro and CANfox shows in device manager as COM4 but system tray SiE MT_API says 'No Hardware Connected'. CANfox works on another PC.

Thank you for the good suggestions. I forgot to put my actual fix here, sorry.

Needed to go into Windows Services and start the Sondheim Windows service. Since setting this to Auto have had no problems.

At the same time I cleaned up unused COM ports with drivers against them in case the driver could not handle a COM9 or COM10. Just housekeeping.

Many thanks for providing this avenue for support.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

There are two possibilities that caused this issue:

  1. You have installed a wrong driver for the device you attempt to use. Download the correct driver from the official website. Make sure to choose the one compatible with Windows 7.

  2. The application is not configured properly. Access the system tray and use the Settings to configure another COM port then attempt a new connection.

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