Fake Snapchat username has my real name above it.

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asked by about Snapchat
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I have a Snapchat under my real name, but I'd like to open up one (ex. Shonduras, Mplatco), yet when I do and go to add, it says my real name? Is that because my phone number entered is my real phone number? I just want it to be a fake username, that is synonymous when searching and finding.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

Yes, because you provided your phone and your actual name, the other accounts you open will have your correct name underneath the username. You can either disable your account and register again with other name or use another phone number from another SIM. There is no other way to do it except this one. However, the company insists on having real name on your profile to avoid account deletion in case of spam or something related.

asked Jan 28, 2015
edited Feb 11, 2015 by
Snapchat username after deletion.

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