How can I save background image of a web page in Google Chrome? Please provide the answer with details.
In order to save the background image of a web page, right-click the web page and select Inspect Element. Alternatively, you can press the F12 key. Next, you need to press the tab, next to Profiles and to expand the Frames list using the icon. Also, expand the folder below the Frames and then the Images one: . Select the background image from the list and once it is opening in the right window right-click on the image and select the third option: . Select the new tab that is opening, right-click the image and select Save image as. Type a name in the File Name field, select a destination directory and click Save.
Note: You need to know that not all web pages are build up using a background image.
It's a two step process to save a background image In Google Chrome because the browser provides no direct options when you right-click on the graphic. You first need to select "Inspect element" from the right-click menu which opens a small window with a lot of information you need to find the background-image row in the styles section or view source(Ctrl+U)use search (Ctrl+F) and paste sites/default/themes/ to find the script of themes It depends on the script of website that whole thing is right there or not if you simply can not find it,use other browser(mozilla right-click/view background image).