If you buy real instagram followers, do they like your pictures & leave comments?

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commented by (100 points)
No, if you buy real Instagram followers, they are unlikely to like your pictures and leave comments. The followers you purchase are often bots or inactive accounts, which means they won't engage with your posts. These purchased followers are of questionable quality and do not have a genuine interest in your account or content.

Buying Instagram followers can have negative consequences for your account and online reputation. It goes against Instagram's terms of service and can result in a decrease in engagement and reach. Additionally, fake followers can drag down your engagement rate, as their lack of interaction is noticeable. They can also lead to spam and inappropriate comments on your posts.

Ultimately, buying Instagram followers only provides a number and does not guarantee genuine engagement or real interest in your content. It is not a successful strategy for becoming Instagram famous or building a business [1]. Instead of buying followers, it is recommended to focus on creating high-quality content, engaging with your audience, and using organic tactics to grow your following.

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answered by (264k points)
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