Problems with the SMTP server.

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asked by about PostCast Server Free Edition
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I don't know what is wrong, but can't choose SMTP: "localhost" it is automatically filled with with my computer user's name (I think) and if I click inside and change it to localhost, then the DNS server doesn't change.

I have replace php.ini info with localhost and port 25 and then try with different SMTP server, but no changes with getting mails from my local Internet site. Is there any possibility to help me out with configuration?

I am working on Windows 7 SP1 Professional, the message I got by sending mail is:

Error#: -935 Error#: 94408 Null input parameter unexpected

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

This is a problem with the application. Download the GCCBASE.ZIP archive and unpack its contents, then copy the gccbbase.dll file to your Windows\System32 directory and try again. The settings are good, but this error is related to the GCCBASE.DLL file. This fix was posted on the official forums of the application.

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