Cannot connect to Fingerprint reader.

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I have just re-installed Windows 7 (32-bit) on my laptop but can't get the biometric fingerprint reader to work.

When I click on the 'use your fingerprint with Windows' link, I am redirected to the AuthenTec site which is under construction. I downloaded the DigitalPerson software from HP which gets me to the set-up stage but I get an error message that the reader is not connected. Any ideas please?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

You need to access the support section for your laptop on the HP website. It's known that these drivers are somehow problematic when it comes to compatibility and installation. Access the HP Support page and locate the drivers for your laptop, then choose the correct operating system and install them. You shouldn't have any errors at all.

Remove everything you have installed at this point, and use a fresh installation with the help of the downloaded package.

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