Does VLC Media Player affect laptop speakers?

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No avatar asked by (14.7k points) about VLC media player
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I came to know that VLC Media Player affects laptop speakers. I have not personally experienced any problem until now.I am currently using VLC and I want to know Is that true?

5 Answers

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Using VLC Media Player regularly at volumes over 100% can damage the speakers. It isn't guaranteed (none of my laptops have had speaker problems due to VLC, despite regular use of the program), but it is a good idea to be careful.

commented by (14.7k points)
Yeah, but some companies including DELL and HP say that they will not provide warrenty to speakers when VLC is used.
I too did not have any problems with VLC until now. I just want to know if the news is true.
+1 vote
No avatar answered by (10.9k points)
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We have been using this software for last 4-5 years and till now we didn't get any problem but we also believe that using it's volume above 125% may create damage to the speaker.

May be that's why, in it's new update VLC has restricted it volume level between 0% to 125%. [although it can be increased]

if any one having any problem from this software, you can also try SMplayer as an alternative.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (309k points)
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It's impossible for an application to create such damage. If you have VLC Media Player installed, go to Audio > Audio Device and switch to another one if you encounter problems with the current selected device. Additionally, go to Tools > Preferences > All and then click on Reset Preferences. This setting will automatically restore the default values for the application (audio settings included). This is the first time someone has issues with VLC and laptop speakers.

commented by (14.7k points)
I came to know that Dell is not providing warrenty for speakers when you use VLC media player.
0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

Yes. Actually my laptop suffers from these problem few months ago. Then I go to the centre and they told me not to use this software any more.

commented by (14.7k points)
Can you please list out What company told you so?
0 votes
answered by (600 points)

No.If the speaker setting is normal.but If you change the speaker settings(Control Panel\sound(properties of default device\enhancements part))and Raise VLC voice(more than %100) your Laptop speaker will not work after a few minutes(Because speaker is burned). Really, In any case,Do not increase the volume to more than 100.

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