Download drivers to flashdrive for another computer.

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No avatar asked by (120 points)
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How do I download to my flash drive without downloading to my computer first? I need a driver for a different computer, which can't connect to the Internet. I need the drivers for the internal modem, but I can't get it because the online program keeps checking for the drivers for this computer. As this computer is running different software, transferring after downloading isn't an option.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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Most of the driver managers will download the drivers only for the devices attached to the PC. One possibility is to attach the modem to the PC and then download the drivers. Remove the modem and plug it to the other PC and transfer the drivers as well. This is one solution. The other one involves using the official website of the manufacturer to download the drivers. Paste the modem info on Google and you should be able to download the necessary drivers.

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