CRC error opening external hard disk folder.

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No avatar asked by (120 points)
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I need to know if this software is suitable to solve a problem I'm having with my external hard disk? One of the folders doesn't open and I have solved the issue by running a verification available in the properties box of the disk. This verification takes many hours (sometimes more than one day) and I need a faster way of solving this problem.

3 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

You might need to check the S.M.A.R.T report using a utility. Download and install SpeedFan then click on the SMART tab. The drive should have yellow or red sections. This means the drive's health is at risk. Because of that you encounter errors with the CRC. Try to backup the available data and replace the hard disk.

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No avatar answered by (160 points)

Crc errors indicate a problem with your drive. Try running manufactures diagnostic utility on your drive and report back if it detects problems.

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No avatar answered by (1.5k points)

When talking about Mac hard disk formatting, users will not feel strange with it. This process can help users to clean the hard disk or fix some errors, but it can also bring users data loss problem due to the wrong operation on it. Actually after formatting Mac hard disk drive, users still have chance to get the lost files back. Follow this tutorial to recover the lost data after Mac hard disk drive has been formatted.

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