Still not received any codes after payment.

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I have used an unlocking service but I received no email with activation or codes.

Payment of $10.00 USD sent to Wickings Network ( Item Number: motorola_unlock IMEI: 352789040240428 Model: MB501 $10.00 USD AESTTransaction ID: 95822608SH951515

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

You need to contact the seller again or if you used PayPal, open a case. In many cases you can ask for Refund and provide PayPal or the payment processor all the details regarding the payment. At this point the seller will be forced to answer or its account will be blocked. You will receive your code or the money back to your account, even if he decides to move the money to another account. Use the email in the payment info to request a status update and then proceed to other options.

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