I need to know how to root a phone.

+1 vote
asked by (740 points)
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I use Android Huawei Y 300-100. How do I root my phone?

2 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (10.9k points)
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Best answer

first of all, what is the reason for you to root your phone? if you want to change the look of your phone, you can try 'Go launcher Ex'.

but, if you have decided to root your phone than try 'Cyanogenmod'. It will help you to fulfill your purpose.

But remember that Rooting will cancel every legal warranty of your phone and some countries rooting is ILLEGAL.

0 votes
answered by (264k points)

This phone is sold in two different versions. If you attempt to root the wrong version, it will render your device useless. Since there is no official tool or guide, I recommend you to join the discussion at XDA Forums. There are users who managed to root it. You should triple check the details when you the being rooting process. You can access the website through Google Search. It's the first link.

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