answered Mar 13, 2025 by Youssouf
No answer I didn't understand the question well

answered by Missy
ELM Agent is on my cell phone application list. Not familiar with it. My cell is my personal cell. I have been having glitches, etc for the past week. How can i uninstall this on an android?

... track phone calls and voicemails.
ELM Agent Is quite similar like MDM ... the Android smartphones provided to the employee.

answered by anonymous
it requires superuser, and root, link2 doesnt have it

answered by Boudica
If you have ELM Agent on your phone (mine is android) someone Put it ...

answered by anonymous
Removable with root. Install Link2Sd and search for ELM Agent. Uninstall.

answered by anonymous
Can not be removed, ive tried. Its an apk file. Dont know what to do with it.
I also tried avast and a few others to see if they could detect it but they can't.

... and sends data to the ELM server. If you don't use ...