What does the ELM Service Agent app do and why do I need it on my phone?

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asked by about ELM Service Agent
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What does the ELM Service Agent app do and why do I need it on my phone?

commented by (100 points)
My all mobile system chiq in will b sating all will safe my email number

7 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

You don't need this on your phone because it's not released for mobile platforms. This application collects and sends data to the ELM server. If you don't use this application, then the application can be removed without worries.

asked Mar 20, 2014
edited Aug 18, 2014 by
How do I remove ELM agent from my phone?
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answered by

Can not be removed, ive tried. Its an apk file. Dont know what to do with it. I also tried avast and a few others to see if they could detect it but they can't.

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Removable with root. Install Link2Sd and search for ELM Agent. Uninstall.

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If you have ELM Agent on your phone (mine is android) someone Put it there. It collects and sends data, it is meant for employees with company phones to track there calls, msg, GPS while they are at work. If you are using a company phone they don't have to tell you but if it is your personal phone they have to get permission, how ever if neither applies you have a serious problem because they have access to everything. If anyone can tell me how to locate the phone number or person who put this on my phone please advise.

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it requires superuser, and root, link2 doesnt have it

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No avatar answered by (1k points)

ELM Agent or Emulated Legacy Mount is a corporate security agent installed by businesses on their employee’s smartphones to collect and track data like GPS locations, email tracking, SMS tracking, track phone calls and voicemails.

ELM Agent Is quite similar like MDM and MCM clients app installed by the Corporates on the Android smartphones provided to the employee.

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ELM Agent is on my cell phone application list. Not familiar with it. My cell is my personal cell. I have been having glitches, etc for the past week. How can i uninstall this on an android?

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No answer I didn't understand the question well

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