answered Jul 16, 2023 by Imee
Hello what if im the admin and i leave and delete. what happened? is the Group chat is still be seen by the member of the group?

answered Jun 9, 2023 by Anonymous
Hello what if im the admin and i leave and delete my viber who will be the admin of the group ?

answered Apr 10, 2023 by anonymous
... I left the group, but somehow I still receive notifications about messages. I can't open ... can I stop receiving the messages? I don't even know which group is it.

answered by anonymous
I am the admin and my viber was updated and lost all messages . Can I be added since only admin can add members? Who will be automatic admin to add me back? thanks

answered by Labros
if i was the admin and go back with invitation to group , can i deleted ?

answered by adam
there wont be any admin even if your the first one to create group. your messages will be there unless the last user leave the group . if there's no user in the group will be deleted automatically

answered by Nicki B
Gosh.. which is the correct answer to my problem as I am the admin?
Worried on the last answer - after deleting the group by the admin... the group will exist for other members still???

answered by anonymous
The group will not be deleted even if you are admin and have left or deleted.... the group will exist for other members still. :(

If you are the last person to leave the group then the group will be automatically deleted.

... the messages, these are stored on the group chat. ... group, the messages will still be there. There is no way to delete ... group admin and left & deleted the group, then the chat messages will also be deleted ...