answered by Zoe
what if u don't know what kind of zte u have?

answered by curtis
... once more. mine is a zte midnight samsung z768g. may work on others ...

answered by anonymous
1st-turn your phone completely off
2nd- hold VOLup and POWER button until you see a blue menu pop.
4th You are Welcome

answered by anonymous
Try to hold volume key down and power button at the same time until it gets you to the reboot option, scroll up or down with volume keys and enter with the power button! Hope this works for you!

answered by anonymous
it only took me tothe FTM screen and i waited for almostan hour. what should i do?

answered by anonymous
... the power button until the android menu appears. Once it appears ...

answered by anonymous
volume down + power release power after vibrate.

answered by anonymous
I made a reset dalwik cache and phone restarted

answered by anonymous
Hello everyone .. I forgot my lock phone password and then my google email it doesn't sign in .. Only to restart my phone but the FTM is on my display,I don't know what to do ? Please can help me ...

Resetting is done by pressing Volume ...