answered by anonymous
install odin for your pc then you have to search a custom rom on internet.

answered by anonymous
My samsung galaxy young was upgraded to 4.0.4 .. easy ,just install in kernel .. fist I download it at my friend's website... you must to hardworking if you want to get what you want ...

answered by anonymous
MODEL : GT-S5360
Please help me to install the Orginal Android 2.3 os for my mobile :(

answered by anonymous
I TIED TO UPDATE MY O.S. BY ROOTING BUT NOTHING changes in my device only i got superuser app.supeuser app is not uninstalling without unrooting.***

answered by anonymous
I tried.... But it doesnt work..... Is there any other way to update????

... to which the firmware is upgradeable is 2.3.6 and it can be ...