answered by anonymous
Volume down and power button at same time

answered by anonymous
Slide down top task bar and slide down the extended menu and you will see a screen shot icon. Fusion 3 prepaid by AT&T

answered by anonymous
I found out how! Slide the top screen down and where the additional WiFi settings and other things are there's an option to screen shot

answered by anonymous
Hold the volume button and power button for a few seconds... gotta press them at the same time... I do it all the time with the fusion 3

answered by anonymous
I just bought the fusion 3 and to screenshot press the power and volume down button

answered by anonymous
I found screenshot on the top drop down menu click drop down arrow more options

answered by courtney
The power button + volume button (like u were going
To turn the volume down) hold for literally 2 secs

answered by anonymous
If you have a huawei phone- I have a prepaid one :) Just hold the power button and the volume down button at the same time for a few seconds and a screenshot will be taken.

answered by anonymous
PRESS POWER BUTTON + VOLUME DOWN. My phone just accidently took a screenshot so I had to know how to do it!! lol.

I recommend this app [][1]
![enter image description here][2]
[1]: ...

answered by anonymous
You can't screenshot manually. You also can't download a screenshot app, because a message appears saying
"Your device doesn't support embedded screenshots and is not rooted. You have to enable ...

answered by anonymous
It know how to do it cause mine did it on mistake

answered by anonymous
Root it then use a app in the play store

answered by anonymous
I have this phone and I don't think we can screenshots ): It's an older version of the android software so I don't think it's possible without using the computer.

answered by anonymous
well if you stop being so stubborn not all smartphones allow the feature of screen capturing so stop asking

answered by anonymous
Get go SMS pro. You can only screenshot messages

answered by anonymous
i have the Go theme on mine and in the setting in it i can take screen shots and after so long it goes off by itself

answered by anonymous
... know how the heck to screen shot on a Fusion2?! it is a smart ...

answered by anonymous
You cant! Its like a prepaid phone for at&t it won't let u! It's a smart phone but under prepaid!

answered by anonymous
You may not be able to screen shot on a fusion 2 .

The phone uses Android as its base operating system and its version is 2.3 which means that you can take screenshots by default using a key combination like Home Button + Power Button. Keep those ...