answered Apr 3, 2024 by Muhammad awais
How can I change password on my zain pocket WiFi

answered by anonymous
How can i chance password on my zain wifi?

answered by Rudy
Where i can put a zain password. Because it problem and not show the admin

answered by jawed ansari
go on the page and use id-user & pass---Zain then go wifi setting ----down side you can see your password

answered by anonymous
If you forget your router password then first press reset button ... release.
After that restart your router and then write in address ... see ZAIN offecial page here you need you put your default password ...

answered by anonymous
May router is not open home page please tell me procedure.

answered by anonymous
Thank you very much
It's Working fine....

answered by anonymous
Admin / ADMIN s not working I'm also trying to change my password but i cannot access my account

answered by anonymous
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answered by anonymous
"admin" is not working. :(
I'm also trying to change my password but i cannot access my account. :(

Please open a browser and type while you are connected to router. Use "Admin" as password then you can change the default password from the next administration menu.